Student Life
Student Life
Spiritual Life
St. Thomas More Academy students will receive and participate in the treasures of the Catholic Church. They will be encouraged to see how they are called by God to sanctify their ordinary life - school work, family life, time spent with classmates. As Christ instructs his apostles, “Let the children come to me,” Mass will be offered each day with a weekly opportunity for sacramental confession for all students in grades 3-12. Along with prayer throughout the day, students will be immersed in beauty that will draw their hearts and minds to God in the school building, classrooms, and Church. Once a month, students will receive a talk from a priest or a Notre Dame undergraduate about the virtue of the month. On the last Friday of each month, STMA will have all-school Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration from 2:15-3:00 p.m.

In the 2022-2023 school year, students in grades 4-11 will have the opportunity to play soccer (fall), basketball (winter), and tennis, golf, and baseball (spring). All students in grades K-11 have gym class once a week.

The Arts
Students will have Art class twice a week. Three times during the academic year, Art class will be replaced by several weeks of Drama classes. Students will have Music class three to four times a week throughout the year.